Ordering Information & FAQ

How much is the shipping charge?
The shipping cost shown is the actual amount that you will be charged. This cost is automatically calculated on the order page based on the weight of the goods and and the shipping region you have chosen; make sure that you select the appropriate shipping region (UK, France, Other Europe, USA or Asia).

In the event that we have to split your order (due to items being out of stock) then the total shipping charge of all combined shipments will NOT exceed the amount shown on your original order receipt.

How long is your delivery?
Orders are processed and shipped on the day they are received (or on the following day if they are placed after 12 noon). Orders are shipped by priority mail.
Is there a handling charge?
There is no additional handling charge.
You are entitled to return your goods, or inform us by letter, fax or e-mail of your intention to cancel your order within a period of 7 days of receipt; you are then entitled to a full refund.
Do you accept credit cards?
Yes.  We accept both Visa and Mastercard.
Will I receive a confirmation of my order?
Yes.  You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your order once you have submitted it.  Check the details shown and let us know if there is anything incorrect.
When will I receive my goods?
We aim to fulfill all orders on the day they are received (or on the following business day).  If any of the items which you requested are out of stock we will advise you immediately by e-Mail.
Do you ship abroad?
Do you offer discounts?
Our prices are already substantially lower than equivalent retail outlets.

We do however offer discounts for large quantity orders.  For further details of our discounts then please contact us.

The product I want is not in your catalogue
Let us know.  We will do our best to find it for you, your suggestions will help us to create a better bead-e.com catalogue.
Do you have a printed catalogue?

We regret that we do not have a "Glossy Catalogue",